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Nik specializes in translation, localization and managed language solutions for both large and small clients, from corporate, government and private sectors. Our LSP is happy to provide free price quotes for any document, user manual, website or software localization project.


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[featured_box img=”874″ img_width=”129″ pos=”center” title=”Human translators” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px” icon_border=”2″]

We use a human touch and emotional intelligence to ensure every job conveys the meaning of your original text


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We have never missed a release or go-live date. Our on-time delivery rate is 99.9%


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[featured_box img=”872″ img_width=”129″ pos=”center” title=”Quality assurance” margin=”0px 0px 0px 0px” icon_border=”2″]

Each project is translated, copyedited, and proofread by at least two translators




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Our document translation services are used across multiple industries, including:

  • Business: product information, customer communication, employee materials
  • Health care: vital documents, discharge instructions, notices of eligibility, patient forms
  • Financial services: loan documents, contracts, mortgage papers, financial applications, account statements, credit reports
  • Insurance: claims forms, policy information, accident reports
  • Government: notices of rights, consent forms, complaints, letters requiring response, applications, public outreach




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Document translation: letters, forms, emails, and other correspondence

Complex documentation: technical manuals, online content, CMS output, marketing collateral, and HR policies and procedures

Websites: HTML, ASP, Scripts, Java-based apps, database-driven interfaces

Training materials: tutorials, templates, eLearning applications

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